Thursday, February 2, 2017

Experimental Project

  1. Compost & Bean Plants:
Problem: How does the age of compost affect bean plant growth?
Hypothesis: As the age of compost increase, bean plants will grow taller and wider
Group Constants: Amount of the light, and amount of water.
Group Differences: Age of compost
Control Group: Flat C: it has no compost
Experimental Group: Flat A: 450gram of three-month old compost and Flat B: 450gram of six-month old compost
IV: Compost age
DV: Height and width of bean plants

  1. Perfumes and Bee’s Behavior
Problem: How does perfume ester effects bee’s behavior?
Hypothesis: If there is ester perfume, then the bees will be agitated.
Group Constants: Times, location, air
Group Differences: The different perfumes
Control Group: Water
Experimental Group: Perfumes
IV: Perfumes
DV: Bee’s behavior

  1. Aloe and Planarians:
Problem: Can aloe Vera regenerate the planarian?
Hypothesis: If the amount of the aloe Vera than the regeneration of planarians will increase.
Group Constants: identical food, temperature and humidity
Group Differences: Different percentage of Aloe Vera has been used.
Experimental Group: Aloe Vera
IV: Aloe Vera
DV: Planarians

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