The religious of the world have affected their regions. Islam and Hinduism are two religions. Islam and Hinduism is mainly in India.
Island is a monotheistic religion. It. means that they believe in a one god. Islam is the region and Muslims are the people who practice Islam. Muslims believe that God is Allah. They also pray 5 times a day, fast during Ramadan, they believe in charity and making a pilgrimage (holy trip) to Mecca.
Hinduism is a polytheistic religion, which means they believe in a many gods. Hinduism is found mainly in India. The Hindus believe in the Caste system and reincarnation. Reincarnation means being reborn. India had Muslims and Hindus living together but they did not get along. In 1947, they United Nations partitioned Indian into Pakistan and India into Pakistan and India. The Muslims moved to Pakistan and the Hindus remained in India.
Islam and Hinduism have affected their regions. The religions have had effects on the countries and the people. Pakistan was created because of fighting among the religions. Muslims and Hindus did not get along. Now, there is a country called Pakistan that Muslim call their own.
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