Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Birthday Plans

Birthday Party Plan
First don't mention their birthday. You can only talk about their birthday about 6 blocks away because you will know when somebody is running. If see your birthday friend then, stop talking about her birthday and start talking about a class. This will tell her know that you weren't talking about her. Next, he or she wants to get in that conversational and talk to them. If he or she are giving hints now is the time to talk about something very seriously that can impact their lives forever like college or high school or family or middle school. This will make them think about their future while you. Tell him or her that you have to do something really important then, go to a store and get balloons, tape, rapping paper, cake (your birthday friend's favorite cake), chips, chocolate, a piece of cloth and get a gift. You have to get a room that the birthday girl doesn't know about it. Put the air in the balloons, tire it up next take a piece of tape and put the tape on the balloon that will go the wall. Put the balloons around or near the window. Do this for at lease 6 balloons. Next, put chips in a bowl.
How you can make a gift for a girl:
Get a box, makeup kit or her favorite chocolate, balloons, colorful paper, a puncher, maker, yarn, tap, pen, and scissor
Fold the color paper one time do this to the other one by one.
Leave 2 inches before punching the hole
Punch 4 holes by the puncher
Then circle the yarn 3 times around your palm
Make a "S" with by to holes by 2 hole, do this with the 4 holes.
With a Maker write her name on the top and in the middle write a poem for her a cute and nice one
you make her a book to write in it
Fill the air in he balloon tire it, and take the yarn cut out 5 inches by a scissor do this 4 times one balloon at each side of the box
Put the makeup kit or her favorite chocolate in the box
Put the book in the box
Put the chocolate in the box
Put down the balloons in the box
Put the wrapping paper around the box and cover the box with the wrapping paper

Put the box in the room
Put the cake in the room
With a paper write down the birthday girl name
When you are done with this then in the morning or evening or noon or at night call her say it is an emergency and you don't know what to do.
For the emergency you can say is that you need to go to the nurse because you throw up and their is nobody around you how can help you out.
Before she comes you have to be outside of the room when she come make sure that your outside of the room and say you forgot something inside. Before she enters cover her eyes by the cloth. And say "Happy Birthday to you". Take the cloth away and turn on the nights.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Experimental Project

  1. Compost & Bean Plants:
Problem: How does the age of compost affect bean plant growth?
Hypothesis: As the age of compost increase, bean plants will grow taller and wider
Group Constants: Amount of the light, and amount of water.
Group Differences: Age of compost
Control Group: Flat C: it has no compost
Experimental Group: Flat A: 450gram of three-month old compost and Flat B: 450gram of six-month old compost
IV: Compost age
DV: Height and width of bean plants

  1. Perfumes and Bee’s Behavior
Problem: How does perfume ester effects bee’s behavior?
Hypothesis: If there is ester perfume, then the bees will be agitated.
Group Constants: Times, location, air
Group Differences: The different perfumes
Control Group: Water
Experimental Group: Perfumes
IV: Perfumes
DV: Bee’s behavior

  1. Aloe and Planarians:
Problem: Can aloe Vera regenerate the planarian?
Hypothesis: If the amount of the aloe Vera than the regeneration of planarians will increase.
Group Constants: identical food, temperature and humidity
Group Differences: Different percentage of Aloe Vera has been used.
Experimental Group: Aloe Vera
IV: Aloe Vera
DV: Planarians

French Revolution

French Revolution
The capital was moved to Versailles. There the king’s grandson marries Marie Antoinette. The king was from the Bourbon royal family (king Louis 15th) and to combine the area of rule. The grandson who was 15 marries the 14 year old princess of Austria, Marie Antoinette from the Hapsburg family. Now, the king of France, Louis 15, ruled over Austria and France combined the families. Robespierre was an  enlightenment student, and started the revolution against the monarchy and the Catholic Church in France's believe that people had rights, even the common, poor people. The people was divided into 3 estates, or groups, the (royalty), the Church and the common people. The first two estates had privileges, including access to high offices, exempt from paying taxes. The Roman Catholic Church owned 10% of the land in France. They were first estate. The 2nd estate was made up of nobles and owned 20% of the land. The 3rd estate was made up of the common people, and had no privileges, paid high amount of taxes. Many felt that their wealth entitled them to a greater
Degree of social status and political power. The 3rd estate formed the largest estate of France’s 26 million. King Louis the 16th 1754-1793 was a weak king but, wanted to help the 3rd estate. Queen Marie Antoinette was unpopular with the French  people because of her spending. One year she lost the equivalent to $1.5 by gambling in a card game. To appease the 3rd estate, the Estate General was created. It was an assembly of representatives from all 3rd estate-to approve new taxes. The meeting was held at Versailles. The Estate-General was dominated by the 1st and 2nd estates. They would always outrode the 3rd estate. The period of Enlightenment influenced the 3rd estate and they named themselves the National Assembly. The 3rd estate broke the door to the indoor tennis court and waited for a constitution to be written. This was called the Tennis Court. July 14, is Bastille Bay. The French people stormed the jail in Paris called the Bastille. The people has weapons and the fall of the Bastille was symbolic

Of the revolution. 3rd estate felt that they paid too much tax, and the king and queen made them pay too much tax. The government had much debt king and queen had a lot of food and 3rd estate. King/queen were executed by the guillotine-chop their head. The government change-move democratic from the Enlightenment thoughts. Wrote a constitution Nationalism: were you were born and you loved your country.

The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution
Urban city building and the movement of the people to cities is urbanization. England’s cities grew so fast that they did not have any codes or laws to buildings. There was not a plan for garbage removal unpaved streets and drains, therefore sickness spread especially cholera. Factories were not well lit or clean. Machines injured people. The factories run 6 days a week to produce as much as possible. Working condition were very bad. Small children were used because their hands were small and could reach into small spaces. They worked long hours and were paid little for their work. The positive effects about working: Industry created new jobs, factories were dirty, unsafe, and dangerous, long terms effects-workers won higher wagers, shorter hours and better conditions with unions. The positive effects for social classes: factory workers were overworked and underpaid, overseers and skilled workers rose to lower middle class, and upper middle class resented those in the middle class who became wealthier than they were, long terms effect-standard of living generally rose. The positive effects of size of cities: Factories brought job seekers to cities, Urban area double, triple, or quadrupled in size, and long term effect-suburbs grew as people fled to crowed.

In the 19th century, factories started to develop. The people moved to the cities from rural areas because farming was very bad. More people lived longer because the potato was brought to the eastern hemisphere from the west. Because of more population, and moved to find work and support their families there were jobs in the cities. People moved to find work and support their families. The factory system had positive and negative. We will look at both. The Industrial Revolution started in England. They had the population, natural resources and the land to build these factories. They also possessed the wealth needs to find these factories. Resources needed are: water power land coal, to fuel the machines, iron ore to build the machines, Rivers for inland transportation, and Harbors from which merchants ships sets sail. The textile industry was changed forever with the invention of the sewing machine. England got their cotton from plantations in south America and production skyrocketed to 65 million pounds of goods in 1810. First James Watt from Scotland and them Robert Fulton used a steam engine to fuel a steamboat called the Vermonter in 1807. The steamboat operated up and down the Hudson River.

Industrial Revolution (cont)

Water Transportation: steam could propel (move) boats. Canals (man-made waterways) improved water transportation. Roads were improved using John Adam’s process of small rocks over large rocks for drainage. Roads were built by companies for companies for profit called turnpikes. The Railway Era begins: 1804 steam-driven locomotives were used. These trains connected the dock (where the goods came in) to the cities and factories. Fish and agriculture industrial were bolstered by the trains that could transport their goods to distant cities. Railroads would allow people to take jobs further away from their homes

Difference between Muslim and Hindus

The religious of the world have affected their regions. Islam and Hinduism are two religions. Islam and Hinduism is mainly in India.
Island is a monotheistic religion. It. means that they believe in a one god. Islam is the region and Muslims are the people who practice Islam. Muslims believe that God is Allah. They also pray 5 times a day, fast during Ramadan, they believe in charity and making a pilgrimage (holy trip) to Mecca.
Hinduism is a polytheistic religion, which means they believe in a many gods. Hinduism is found mainly in India. The Hindus believe in the Caste system and reincarnation. Reincarnation means being reborn. India had Muslims and Hindus living together but they did not get along. In 1947, they United Nations partitioned Indian into Pakistan and India into Pakistan and India. The Muslims moved to Pakistan and the Hindus remained in India.

Islam and Hinduism have affected their regions. The religions have had effects on the countries and the people. Pakistan was created because of fighting among the religions. Muslims and Hindus did not get along. Now, there is a country called Pakistan that Muslim call their own.

The story of Called Out

“Called Out”
The central idea of “Called Out” is in Sonoran Desert there is the most beautiful place in the desert area. To support my central idea is “The spring of 1998 was the Halley’s Comet of desert wildflower years. While nearly everyone else on the planet was cruising the soggy consequences of El Niño’s downpours, here in southern Arizona we were cheering for the show: Our desert hills and valleys were colorized in wild schemes of marrow, indigo, tangerine, and some hues that Crayola hasn’t named yet. Our mountains wore mantles of yellow brittlebush on their rocky shoulders, as fully transformed as eastern forests in their colorful autumn foliage.” (paragraph 1, line 1-9). This evidence means that ONLY in 76 years in Sonoran Desert. The author uses narrative words/ sentences. This evidence means that the Sonoran Desert had wildflower in 1998 and after 76 years the wildflower will come back. There are many different wildflower. In Sonoran Desert people are in are in South Arizona.

The central idea of “Called Out” is in Sonoran Desert there is the most beautiful place in the desert area. To support my central idea is “If any kind of windflower ever existed whose seeds all sprouted and died before following through to seed-set, than that species perished long ago. This is what nature is about. The species that have made it this far have encoded genetic smarts enough to outwit every peril. They produces seeds with different latency periods: Some germinate quickly, and some lie in wait, not just loitering there but loading the soil with many separate futures.” This means that the nature planted the seeds. Also, in future the the nature will plant the seeds.

Bad spirits


Have you ever felt inexplicably angry, sad, exhausted, or otherwise not yourself? Ever experienced a dramatic personality change while under the influence of alcohol? It’s possible that those feelings weren’t you, but the effect of dark or other-dimensional energy. Based upon our empirical research, we believe it’s possible for lost souls, defined as those which have not yet gone to the Light after their physical bodies have died, to intrude in your everyday affairs, even to the point of dramatically influencing your behavior. These unseen influences range from benign lost souls looking for a way out of their predicament, to outright malicious demons who desire to harm you. There exist many spiritual professionals today who offer different forms of dispossession, clearings, and cleansings. Unfortunately, since the origin of the attachment or possession can be very complex and often difficult to pinpoint, and the process of removing the harmful energy can be time consuming, few practitioners are experienced enough to successfully handle the tougher cases. Regrettably, even if they take measures to protect themselves, some people are more susceptible to the influence of lost souls and attack by dark energy. Below we list 6 common symptoms. 1. Sudden drug and, or alcohol abuse. What a better place to get a fix for an invisible, wandering soul than from an existing user. Suddenly drinking or craving alcohol more than you usually do is a sign that you may have company. If your friends are asking you, “What’s gotten into you, why are you overdoing it so often?”, maybe something really has gotten into you and is driving you to abuse your body. 2. Unusual behavior from a young age. You may very well have picked up a wandering soul early in your life if you’ve endured abuse, surgery, or serious illness as a child, and it (or they) might still be with you. 3. Excessively emotionally trying periods of your life. Extreme stress breaks down your spiritual defenses and opens you up to strange energy. 4. Acute, unexplained bouts of depression. If you can’t explain the source, it’s possible you may be carrying a heavy, unseen load. 5. Hearing voices in your head, especially negative messages, could be a sign that you have a spiritual hitchhiker with you or that you’re hosting a party with uninvited, invisible guests. We believe it’s possible for problematic, other-dimensional energies to plant ideas in your head in order to manipulate your behavior for their benefit. Spiritually sensitive people, or those firmly tuned into their intuition, frequently hear messages within from the other realms, but it can be challenging to keep them closed off to foreign, toxic energy. 6. Reading this information and having a strong, critical reaction to it. Guess what? If you have dark energy with you, they’ll do anything to get you to ignore advice that would result in them being identified and escorted away. What you’re feeling, although it may simply be subconscious fear, could be the reaction of unseen entities and since you’re so used to it, you believe it to be your own. The good news is that it’s very rare for even the darkest of other-dimensional energy to be able to cause you harm if you are aware of this phenomenon and take measures to protect yourself.